Additional information on the Issues, Etc. Trademark Online Petition

This page can be found at It was made with a short URL to make it easier to type. This page has additional information to back up what was said in the letter.

Sign the online petition

Note: When signing the petition, it asks you to donate to iPetitions. There is no need to donate to register your vote. If you don’t want to contribute, just hit your back button or close the page. Your signature has already been recorded at that point.

Read the letter from Scott Diekmann

Here is additional information about this topic.

Legal Documents filed by the LCMS regarding Harry Madsen’s Trademark application.

Pr. Henrickson’s article about bringing lawsuits only when they suit you.

From Mollie Hemmingway about the costs involved in bringing lawsuits.

The letter from LCMS lawyers threatening legal action unless the issue is resolved.

A comment from Pr. Cwirla regarding vocation.

BOD resolution, with link to legal document sent to Pr. Wilken and Mr. Schwarz.

Information from on the trademark dispute